What is a Root Canal? Root Canal Procedure – Root Canal Dental Treatment

When considering dental procedures, many patients dread having to hear that they have to undergo a root canal. This opinion of a root canal dental treatment in Chicago originate from incorrect stories of pain and discomfort. A root canal is in fact a pain-relieving procedure carried out to help deal with an infected tooth. Most of the time, the pain associated with the infection is blamed on the procedure itself. In fact, the root canal procedure involves steps to ensure that patient comfort is maintained throughout the treatment.

Root Canal Dental Treatment Chicago
Root Canal Dental Treatment Chicago

What does the Root Canal procedure involve?

Starting a root canal procedure, the dentist will initially administer an anesthetic to ensure comfort throughout the process. Following this, a thin vinyl or rubber sheet is used to isolated the infected tooth by creating what is known as a dental dam. This will help by keeping bacteria in the mouth away from the tooth during the procedure.

Root Canal Dental Treatment Chicago
Root Canal Dental Treatment Chicago

After this, the dentist will create a tiny opening on the top of tooth to gain access to the soft tissues found in the pulp chamber of the tooth. This chamber houses the nerves, blood vessels and soft tissues of the tooth, which are most likely to be infected. Using specialized tools, the infected tissue will be removed. The pulp chamber will then be cleaned and disinfected. Once the infected tissues have been removed, the patient will feel no pain. Eating and sleeping can comfortably be done without having to worry about a sharp pain in the mouth. The dentist will also shape and fill in the root canals, and seal the chamber with adhesive material which will prevent bacteria from re-infecting the tooth.

Root Canal Dental Treatment Chicago
Root Canal Dental Treatment Chicago

If there is severe decay such that its natural structure cannot support tooth by itself, a dental crown will be used to protect and strengthen the remaining structure. Until a permanent crown is fabricated, the dentist will fit a temporary restoration following the root canal procedure. After around two weeks, the patient can return too have the permanent crown fitted.

It is important that the dentist’s instructions are followed closely after the procedure to prevent re-infection. Visiting the dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings can further help prevent infection.

To Learn More About: Root Canal Dental Treatment Chicago Please Visit: Big Smile Dental

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